SpineHope will present a benefit reception to raise funds for children around the world suffering from debilitating spinal deformities who are in need of corrective spine surgery. These children have neither the funds nor the access to medical facilities/surgeons able to perform complex spine surgery in their own countries.
This evening will specifically raise money to bring three children to Austin for spine surgery at Dell Children’s Medical Center. On hand will be children whose lives have been helped and partners who have made this program possible. The evenig will feature life-changing stories, information about the three children in need, and other SpineHope global outreach efforts. The evening will include a cocktail reception, opportunity to sponsor a specific child, and a special raffle.
SpineHope will present a benefit reception to raise funds for children around the world suffering from debilitating spinal deformities who are in need of corrective spine surgery. These children have neither the funds nor the access to medical facilities/surgeons able to perform complex spine surgery in their own countries.
This evening will specifically raise money to bring three children to Austin for spine surgery at Dell Children’s Medical Center. On hand will be children whose lives have been helped and partners who have made this program possible. The evenig will feature life-changing stories, information about the three children in need, and other SpineHope global outreach efforts. The evening will include a cocktail reception, opportunity to sponsor a specific child, and a special raffle.
SpineHope will present a benefit reception to raise funds for children around the world suffering from debilitating spinal deformities who are in need of corrective spine surgery. These children have neither the funds nor the access to medical facilities/surgeons able to perform complex spine surgery in their own countries.
This evening will specifically raise money to bring three children to Austin for spine surgery at Dell Children’s Medical Center. On hand will be children whose lives have been helped and partners who have made this program possible. The evenig will feature life-changing stories, information about the three children in need, and other SpineHope global outreach efforts. The evening will include a cocktail reception, opportunity to sponsor a specific child, and a special raffle.