Spyro Gyra is an unlikely story of a group with humble beginnings in Buffalo, New York who has continued to reach an international audience over 40 years. They have accomplished this due to a forward approach combined with the work ethic of an underdog, always challenging themselves to do something new while never resting on past success. It has proven to be a recipe for longevity for this jazz group while music has gone in and out of styles in ever shorter cycles.
Spyro Gyra is an unlikely story of a group with humble beginnings in Buffalo, New York who has continued to reach an international audience over 40 years. They have accomplished this due to a forward approach combined with the work ethic of an underdog, always challenging themselves to do something new while never resting on past success. It has proven to be a recipe for longevity for this jazz group while music has gone in and out of styles in ever shorter cycles.
Spyro Gyra is an unlikely story of a group with humble beginnings in Buffalo, New York who has continued to reach an international audience over 40 years. They have accomplished this due to a forward approach combined with the work ethic of an underdog, always challenging themselves to do something new while never resting on past success. It has proven to be a recipe for longevity for this jazz group while music has gone in and out of styles in ever shorter cycles.