At its heart, Carrie Rodriguez’ Laboratorio is a musical exploration and celebration of Latinx culture – no two shows are ever the same. The latest explores borders, both within and outside of ourselves, that help shape our identities.
Special guests will include Amalia Mondragón, a Latin Grammy-nominated, Mexico/Estadounidense, transfronterizx, singer-songwriter, along with Tereso Perfecto Contreras, a two-spirit song interpreter from the tri-state border region of Texas/Chihuahua/NM, and award-winning poet/writer ire’ne lara silva.
At its heart, Carrie Rodriguez’ Laboratorio is a musical exploration and celebration of Latinx culture – no two shows are ever the same. The latest explores borders, both within and outside of ourselves, that help shape our identities.
Special guests will include Amalia Mondragón, a Latin Grammy-nominated, Mexico/Estadounidense, transfronterizx, singer-songwriter, along with Tereso Perfecto Contreras, a two-spirit song interpreter from the tri-state border region of Texas/Chihuahua/NM, and award-winning poet/writer ire’ne lara silva.
At its heart, Carrie Rodriguez’ Laboratorio is a musical exploration and celebration of Latinx culture – no two shows are ever the same. The latest explores borders, both within and outside of ourselves, that help shape our identities.
Special guests will include Amalia Mondragón, a Latin Grammy-nominated, Mexico/Estadounidense, transfronterizx, singer-songwriter, along with Tereso Perfecto Contreras, a two-spirit song interpreter from the tri-state border region of Texas/Chihuahua/NM, and award-winning poet/writer ire’ne lara silva.