Tapestry Dance Company continues to bring rhythm and light to America’s current unrest with the premiere of Listen – With Ears Wide Open. This new work presents a musical and physical journey through communication and listening to each other. Everybody has a unique perspective of life's journey. Yet, everyone travels together and not alone.
Listening to each other, as with music, there are no leaders. It is in the dance of life that collaborates with the individuality to create the beautiful orchestra of community. The magic word: Listen. Listen to each other and play the music as one—a tapestry of life that holds itself together with each unique thread.
Tapestry Dance Company continues to bring rhythm and light to America’s current unrest with the premiere of Listen – With Ears Wide Open. This new work presents a musical and physical journey through communication and listening to each other. Everybody has a unique perspective of life's journey. Yet, everyone travels together and not alone.
Listening to each other, as with music, there are no leaders. It is in the dance of life that collaborates with the individuality to create the beautiful orchestra of community. The magic word: Listen. Listen to each other and play the music as one—a tapestry of life that holds itself together with each unique thread.
Tapestry Dance Company continues to bring rhythm and light to America’s current unrest with the premiere of Listen – With Ears Wide Open. This new work presents a musical and physical journey through communication and listening to each other. Everybody has a unique perspective of life's journey. Yet, everyone travels together and not alone.
Listening to each other, as with music, there are no leaders. It is in the dance of life that collaborates with the individuality to create the beautiful orchestra of community. The magic word: Listen. Listen to each other and play the music as one—a tapestry of life that holds itself together with each unique thread.