In the fourth and final installment of the Texas Modernist series, the Umlauf presents Texas Modernism: Origins.
Through four exhibitions, the Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum has featured drawings, paintings, and sculpture by University of Texas’ pioneering art department faculty between 1938-1963. The art faculty and their students at the University worked together during one of the most vibrant and important eras in Texas art.
These artists, now frequently called “Texas Modernists” influenced art, both in Texas and on a larger national scope. Texas Modernism: Origins features work by artists: David Adickes, Kelly Fearing, Kenneth Fiske, Seymour Fogel, Constance Forsyth, Michael Frary, John Guerin, Paul Hatgil, Jeff Jeffreys, William Lester, Stephen Magada, Al Nickel, Charles Umlauf, Ralph White, and David Wiesmann.