La Ruta is the heartbreaking story of a border town, a bus route, and the women of Ciudad Juárez who are disappearing. Inspired by real testimonies from women affected by the ongoing femicides along the border, Isaac Gómez’s play weaves together beautiful storytelling and music in a celebration of the resilience of Mexican women in the wake of tremendous loss.
For at least two decades, the women of Juárez, known as “the capital of murdered women,” have been disappearing along the bus route to and from the U.S.-owned maquiladoras where they work. Despite the dangers, the promise of opportunity and paid jobs forces them to make the trip along la ruta as they struggle to support their families. The play shifts back and forth through time following the story of two mothers, Yolanda and Marisela, as they fight to uncover the truth about their missing daughters.
Performances of La Ruta will be livestreamed.
La Ruta is the heartbreaking story of a border town, a bus route, and the women of Ciudad Juárez who are disappearing. Inspired by real testimonies from women affected by the ongoing femicides along the border, Isaac Gómez’s play weaves together beautiful storytelling and music in a celebration of the resilience of Mexican women in the wake of tremendous loss.
For at least two decades, the women of Juárez, known as “the capital of murdered women,” have been disappearing along the bus route to and from the U.S.-owned maquiladoras where they work. Despite the dangers, the promise of opportunity and paid jobs forces them to make the trip along la ruta as they struggle to support their families. The play shifts back and forth through time following the story of two mothers, Yolanda and Marisela, as they fight to uncover the truth about their missing daughters.
Performances of La Ruta will be livestreamed.
La Ruta is the heartbreaking story of a border town, a bus route, and the women of Ciudad Juárez who are disappearing. Inspired by real testimonies from women affected by the ongoing femicides along the border, Isaac Gómez’s play weaves together beautiful storytelling and music in a celebration of the resilience of Mexican women in the wake of tremendous loss.
For at least two decades, the women of Juárez, known as “the capital of murdered women,” have been disappearing along the bus route to and from the U.S.-owned maquiladoras where they work. Despite the dangers, the promise of opportunity and paid jobs forces them to make the trip along la ruta as they struggle to support their families. The play shifts back and forth through time following the story of two mothers, Yolanda and Marisela, as they fight to uncover the truth about their missing daughters.
Performances of La Ruta will be livestreamed.