Murky as Hell, written and directed by Andrea L. Hart, is based on the stories of women who aided Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Terry Richardson, among others. What began as an exercise in imagining fitting punishment for these women turned into a meditation on the violence we inflict on each other and the systems that teach us how to do it. Darkly comic and brutally over-the-top, Murky as Hell examines notions of guilt and complicity in the biggest flesh-eating, spine tingling, scale-balancing match of the century.
This production contains mature content and themes of sexual abuse, dominance and violence including instances of choreographed physical violence, mature language, weapons (swords/knives/maces), derogatory language and scenarios, implied and stylized sexual abuse, and partial nudity.
Murky as Hell, written and directed by Andrea L. Hart, is based on the stories of women who aided Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Terry Richardson, among others. What began as an exercise in imagining fitting punishment for these women turned into a meditation on the violence we inflict on each other and the systems that teach us how to do it. Darkly comic and brutally over-the-top, Murky as Hell examines notions of guilt and complicity in the biggest flesh-eating, spine tingling, scale-balancing match of the century.
This production contains mature content and themes of sexual abuse, dominance and violence including instances of choreographed physical violence, mature language, weapons (swords/knives/maces), derogatory language and scenarios, implied and stylized sexual abuse, and partial nudity.
Murky as Hell, written and directed by Andrea L. Hart, is based on the stories of women who aided Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Terry Richardson, among others. What began as an exercise in imagining fitting punishment for these women turned into a meditation on the violence we inflict on each other and the systems that teach us how to do it. Darkly comic and brutally over-the-top, Murky as Hell examines notions of guilt and complicity in the biggest flesh-eating, spine tingling, scale-balancing match of the century.
This production contains mature content and themes of sexual abuse, dominance and violence including instances of choreographed physical violence, mature language, weapons (swords/knives/maces), derogatory language and scenarios, implied and stylized sexual abuse, and partial nudity.