The wheel of the year inspires Malum Malus, an occult burlesque chantry of witches. Lammas, also known as Lughnasad, is a pagan holiday that marks the seasonal turning point halfway between the summer solstice (Litha) and the fall equinox (Mabon) and celebrates the harvest of grain. The VORTEX presents the next Malum Malus performance celebrating Lammas in a full-length show.
This event is curated by Blaise Ricin and hosted by Agatha Trystie. It will feature performances by Blaise Ricin, Fig, Sigh, Mandy Mezcal, Magpie, and Sunday Slaughter. Copper Penny and Allegra Jade Fox will also be introduced.
The wheel of the year inspires Malum Malus, an occult burlesque chantry of witches. Lammas, also known as Lughnasad, is a pagan holiday that marks the seasonal turning point halfway between the summer solstice (Litha) and the fall equinox (Mabon) and celebrates the harvest of grain. The VORTEX presents the next Malum Malus performance celebrating Lammas in a full-length show.
This event is curated by Blaise Ricin and hosted by Agatha Trystie. It will feature performances by Blaise Ricin, Fig, Sigh, Mandy Mezcal, Magpie, and Sunday Slaughter. Copper Penny and Allegra Jade Fox will also be introduced.