In this fun and interactive show, families journey through Thinkery alongside a very nervous Caterpillar, who is having some trouble along his journey; guests experience favorite exhibits through live interactions with a fun and exciting cast of characters like Chef the Hare, Mole the artist, Beaver the plumber, Dr. Adventurous the Inventor, and an aviator Penguin. Each character offers special instructions that help guide and Caterpillar throughout the journey around Thinkery.
This is not a traditional theatre performance. Kiddos and their families will see the story unfold as they make their way through the museum In small groups, interacting with each other and professional actors. Through exploration and team work, families will engage with the story as it unfolds around them. Recommended for ages 4 to 8.
In this fun and interactive show, families journey through Thinkery alongside a very nervous Caterpillar, who is having some trouble along his journey; guests experience favorite exhibits through live interactions with a fun and exciting cast of characters like Chef the Hare, Mole the artist, Beaver the plumber, Dr. Adventurous the Inventor, and an aviator Penguin. Each character offers special instructions that help guide and Caterpillar throughout the journey around Thinkery.
This is not a traditional theatre performance. Kiddos and their families will see the story unfold as they make their way through the museum In small groups, interacting with each other and professional actors. Through exploration and team work, families will engage with the story as it unfolds around them. Recommended for ages 4 to 8.
In this fun and interactive show, families journey through Thinkery alongside a very nervous Caterpillar, who is having some trouble along his journey; guests experience favorite exhibits through live interactions with a fun and exciting cast of characters like Chef the Hare, Mole the artist, Beaver the plumber, Dr. Adventurous the Inventor, and an aviator Penguin. Each character offers special instructions that help guide and Caterpillar throughout the journey around Thinkery.
This is not a traditional theatre performance. Kiddos and their families will see the story unfold as they make their way through the museum In small groups, interacting with each other and professional actors. Through exploration and team work, families will engage with the story as it unfolds around them. Recommended for ages 4 to 8.