
University of Texas Libraries, Perry-Castañeda Library presents An Evening with Two Guys on Your Head

Photo courtesy of University of Texas Libraries, Perry-Castañeda Library

The Libraries’ Spring Signature event features “Two Guys on Your Head” in a discussion about acting on creative impulses. Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke step away from the mic and into the library to consider what keeps people from following through on ideas, and are joined by Austin Public Library Director Roosevelt Weeks and Director of UT Libraries Lorraine Haricombe to discuss the role modern libraries play in creating environments for invention.

The Libraries’ Spring Signature event features “Two Guys on Your Head” in a discussion about acting on creative impulses. Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke step away from the mic and into the library to consider what keeps people from following through on ideas, and are joined by Austin Public Library Director Roosevelt Weeks and Director of UT Libraries Lorraine Haricombe to discuss the role modern libraries play in creating environments for invention.

The Libraries’ Spring Signature event features “Two Guys on Your Head” in a discussion about acting on creative impulses. Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke step away from the mic and into the library to consider what keeps people from following through on ideas, and are joined by Austin Public Library Director Roosevelt Weeks and Director of UT Libraries Lorraine Haricombe to discuss the role modern libraries play in creating environments for invention.



Perry-Castañeda Library (PCL)
101 E. 21st St.
Austin, TX 78705


Admission is free.
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