Set in Pittsburgh, Chickens in the Yard explores three days in the life of a family as they grow, stumble, and fall into their future. The play explores what gay identity means for one couple, as they journey from the families that raised them to the family they choose to create together.
Director Alice Stanley brings the world to life through innovative storytelling and poetic staging, blurring the line between choreography and theatre.
Set in Pittsburgh, Chickens in the Yard explores three days in the life of a family as they grow, stumble, and fall into their future. The play explores what gay identity means for one couple, as they journey from the families that raised them to the family they choose to create together.
Director Alice Stanley brings the world to life through innovative storytelling and poetic staging, blurring the line between choreography and theatre.
Set in Pittsburgh, Chickens in the Yard explores three days in the life of a family as they grow, stumble, and fall into their future. The play explores what gay identity means for one couple, as they journey from the families that raised them to the family they choose to create together.
Director Alice Stanley brings the world to life through innovative storytelling and poetic staging, blurring the line between choreography and theatre.