The VORTEX Summer Youth Theatre presents Mr. Burns, a post-electric play, a dark American comedy by Anne Washburn, directed by Jennifer Jennings, a score by Michael Friedman, and lyrics by Anne Washburn.
Mr. Burns unfolds the story of a group of survivors of a global catastrophe recalling and retelling The Simpsons' “Cape Feare” episode. The play begins in the immediate future and then moves seven years and finally 70 years into the future as cultural mythology evolves into cult-like engagement and a grand musical.
The VORTEX Summer Youth Theatre presents Mr. Burns, a post-electric play, a dark American comedy by Anne Washburn, directed by Jennifer Jennings, a score by Michael Friedman, and lyrics by Anne Washburn.
Mr. Burns unfolds the story of a group of survivors of a global catastrophe recalling and retelling The Simpsons' “Cape Feare” episode. The play begins in the immediate future and then moves seven years and finally 70 years into the future as cultural mythology evolves into cult-like engagement and a grand musical.
The VORTEX Summer Youth Theatre presents Mr. Burns, a post-electric play, a dark American comedy by Anne Washburn, directed by Jennifer Jennings, a score by Michael Friedman, and lyrics by Anne Washburn.
Mr. Burns unfolds the story of a group of survivors of a global catastrophe recalling and retelling The Simpsons' “Cape Feare” episode. The play begins in the immediate future and then moves seven years and finally 70 years into the future as cultural mythology evolves into cult-like engagement and a grand musical.