The Women Communicators of Austin's Banner Brunch is a virtual event celebrating women in communications fields and students pursuing these fields. The event will feature live networking, keynote speaker Gay Gaddis (T3 Founder, best-selling author and celebrated artist), seven award-winning women recognized for their roles in communications, journalism, leadership, and creativity, student scholarship winners, raffle prizes, silent auction, and more.
The Women Communicators of Austin's Banner Brunch is a virtual event celebrating women in communications fields and students pursuing these fields. The event will feature live networking, keynote speaker Gay Gaddis (T3 Founder, best-selling author and celebrated artist), seven award-winning women recognized for their roles in communications, journalism, leadership, and creativity, student scholarship winners, raffle prizes, silent auction, and more.
The Women Communicators of Austin's Banner Brunch is a virtual event celebrating women in communications fields and students pursuing these fields. The event will feature live networking, keynote speaker Gay Gaddis (T3 Founder, best-selling author and celebrated artist), seven award-winning women recognized for their roles in communications, journalism, leadership, and creativity, student scholarship winners, raffle prizes, silent auction, and more.