Hedwige Jacobs invites viewers into an almost meditative state of observation, finding pleasure in unexpected encounters, unassuming materials, and common places. In her drawn surfaces, video installation, and cut patterns, figures move about, hover on the edge of the impossible, and reconfigure themselves in endless variations drawn from everyday interactions.
Hedwige Jacobs invites viewers into an almost meditative state of observation, finding pleasure in unexpected encounters, unassuming materials, and common places. In her drawn surfaces, video installation, and cut patterns, figures move about, hover on the edge of the impossible, and reconfigure themselves in endless variations drawn from everyday interactions.
Hedwige Jacobs invites viewers into an almost meditative state of observation, finding pleasure in unexpected encounters, unassuming materials, and common places. In her drawn surfaces, video installation, and cut patterns, figures move about, hover on the edge of the impossible, and reconfigure themselves in endless variations drawn from everyday interactions.