In this modern-day fairy tale, three young sisters are left in the forest by their woodcutter father and three resolutions are made: One sister takes one path, one sister a different path, and the third decides to stay right where she is. After 20 years of wild adventure, heartbreak, and big victories, the three meet again as women.
An imaginative blend of creative puppetry, live music, and fantastical storytelling, this is a story of family and friendship you won't want to miss.
In this modern-day fairy tale, three young sisters are left in the forest by their woodcutter father and three resolutions are made: One sister takes one path, one sister a different path, and the third decides to stay right where she is. After 20 years of wild adventure, heartbreak, and big victories, the three meet again as women.
An imaginative blend of creative puppetry, live music, and fantastical storytelling, this is a story of family and friendship you won't want to miss.
In this modern-day fairy tale, three young sisters are left in the forest by their woodcutter father and three resolutions are made: One sister takes one path, one sister a different path, and the third decides to stay right where she is. After 20 years of wild adventure, heartbreak, and big victories, the three meet again as women.
An imaginative blend of creative puppetry, live music, and fantastical storytelling, this is a story of family and friendship you won't want to miss.