Adventure awaits in a jungle where danger lurks in every tree and only the brave dare enter. This energetic and creative reimagining of the timeless tale propels the audience through a world ruled by the wild. When her parents are killed by Sherakhan, the young Humancub is raised by wolves, under the protection of her friends Bagheera and Baloo. Playful puppetry and vibrant costumes enrich the story of loyalty and betrayal as the Humancub must find the courage to face this challenge and choose her fate under consequences of jungle law.
Adventure awaits in a jungle where danger lurks in every tree and only the brave dare enter. This energetic and creative reimagining of the timeless tale propels the audience through a world ruled by the wild. When her parents are killed by Sherakhan, the young Humancub is raised by wolves, under the protection of her friends Bagheera and Baloo. Playful puppetry and vibrant costumes enrich the story of loyalty and betrayal as the Humancub must find the courage to face this challenge and choose her fate under consequences of jungle law.
Adventure awaits in a jungle where danger lurks in every tree and only the brave dare enter. This energetic and creative reimagining of the timeless tale propels the audience through a world ruled by the wild. When her parents are killed by Sherakhan, the young Humancub is raised by wolves, under the protection of her friends Bagheera and Baloo. Playful puppetry and vibrant costumes enrich the story of loyalty and betrayal as the Humancub must find the courage to face this challenge and choose her fate under consequences of jungle law.