ZACH Theatre and Austin Film Society present a screening of the HBO Film adaptation of Anna Deavere Smith’s acclaimed one-woman show, Notes from the Field. This story depicts personal accounts of individuals caught in America’s school-to-prison pipeline and shines a light on a generation of American youth being pushed into incarceration.
The screening will include an introduction by Ann Beeson, renowned social justice lawyer and Executive Director of Center for Public Policy Priorities, and a post-show discussion with Anna Deavere Smith, moderated by ZACH's Artistic Director Dave Steakley.
ZACH Theatre and Austin Film Society present a screening of the HBO Film adaptation of Anna Deavere Smith’s acclaimed one-woman show, Notes from the Field. This story depicts personal accounts of individuals caught in America’s school-to-prison pipeline and shines a light on a generation of American youth being pushed into incarceration.
The screening will include an introduction by Ann Beeson, renowned social justice lawyer and Executive Director of Center for Public Policy Priorities, and a post-show discussion with Anna Deavere Smith, moderated by ZACH's Artistic Director Dave Steakley.
ZACH Theatre and Austin Film Society present a screening of the HBO Film adaptation of Anna Deavere Smith’s acclaimed one-woman show, Notes from the Field. This story depicts personal accounts of individuals caught in America’s school-to-prison pipeline and shines a light on a generation of American youth being pushed into incarceration.
The screening will include an introduction by Ann Beeson, renowned social justice lawyer and Executive Director of Center for Public Policy Priorities, and a post-show discussion with Anna Deavere Smith, moderated by ZACH's Artistic Director Dave Steakley.