Based on the smash-hit movie, this Olivier and Tony Award-winning musical tells the heartwarming, uplifting adventure of three friends from Down Under who journey into the Outback searching for love, friendship, and family. They find more than they had ever dreamed.
With hundreds of outrageous costumes and headdresses, and a playlist of dance floor hits including "I Will Survive," "Hot Stuff," "I Say A Little Prayer For You," and "I Love The Nightlife," this fresh and funny musical is a journey to the heart of fabulous.
Based on the smash-hit movie, this Olivier and Tony Award-winning musical tells the heartwarming, uplifting adventure of three friends from Down Under who journey into the Outback searching for love, friendship, and family. They find more than they had ever dreamed.
With hundreds of outrageous costumes and headdresses, and a playlist of dance floor hits including "I Will Survive," "Hot Stuff," "I Say A Little Prayer For You," and "I Love The Nightlife," this fresh and funny musical is a journey to the heart of fabulous.
Based on the smash-hit movie, this Olivier and Tony Award-winning musical tells the heartwarming, uplifting adventure of three friends from Down Under who journey into the Outback searching for love, friendship, and family. They find more than they had ever dreamed.
With hundreds of outrageous costumes and headdresses, and a playlist of dance floor hits including "I Will Survive," "Hot Stuff," "I Say A Little Prayer For You," and "I Love The Nightlife," this fresh and funny musical is a journey to the heart of fabulous.