From My Perspective
Funniest Person in Austin Ramin Nazer is now one of Austin Monthly's mosteligible bachelors
Of course with any sort of list, like with Rolling Stone's "Top 100 Guitarists of All Time," there's going to be questioning of why some people are where they are on the list. "Why HIM? Maybe the Top 500 but the Top 10!?" It's all just for fun and charity, though.
FPIA was more important to me because it's more personal. I feel that comedy defines me more than Guy Who Doesn't Currently Have a Girlfriend/Wife.
RN: Yup. I still wear t-shirts from Target with Oscar the Grouch on them, my Internet history never gets cleared, I keep everything in plain sight on my desktop, and I can leave my phone off for hours at a time without getting in trouble.
RN: I'd definitely be the first to die, unless I convinced them that we should team up against whomever is making us battle to the death. I don't think we have any fight-chelors on the list this year, but some of them are in amazing shape and get up every morning at 5 a.m. to work out by choice. There are some real MEN on that list.
RN: Well, the official bachelor date auction package I come with is a private Capital Cruises boat ride with fajitas. So, someone who likes boats and water and fajitas would be the ideal individual. Also, hopefully someone who is not dumb or mean.
For a deeper answer than that, I think everyone on Earth is looking for the same thing as far as "mates" go. Someone who gets you, looks nice, smells nice, someone you can learn a lot from, take care of and makes life better. Everything else — whether it's liking the same movies or music or sports or art or religion — is all just a derivative of that.
I don't think it's a good idea for men or women or transgender or genderless people (I AM BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT!) to make their life solely about finding a mate. Focus on what makes you happy. If you find someone while you're doing that, then great! If not, then that's still better than faking it with someone that's not right. I might just be a hermit psychopath though...
RN: For now. I guess I have the power to change that though, don't I?
RN: Everything always does in a way sooner or later... But you know, "If it don't fit, don't force it."
You can see Ramin Nazer perform every Friday at ColdTowne Theatre as well as at the following upcoming performances: July 28 at The New Movement Theater and July 31 - August 4 at Cap City Comedy Club.
The Austin Monthly Bachelor Issue Release Party and Date Auction happens Thursday, July 26 from 7:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum.