relationship advice
Pink Kisses answers: Should you text your ex on his birthday?
Q: Just a quick and simple question: What’s your take on whether a girl should text an ex on his birthday? I know the answer might differ depending on the situation (i.e. how bad the breakup was, the circumstances behind the breakup, etc.) but just generally speaking…
A: Good question, and you’re right; it depends on the situation. Here's what I think as far as your particular scenario:
I'm always a fan of good manners and believe politeness is a lost art that everyone could benefit from rediscovering, so if you’re one of the few (and I mean VERY few) ladies out there who have managed to circle back around into a simple, healthy, platonic friendship with him, a quick text saying “Happy birthday!” is no big thing.
However, if things aren’t that simple (and I'm willing to bet they’re not, since they rarely are!) and/or if you haven’t been in touch lately, an out-of-the-blue text could look like an open invitation for him to make his way back into your life, and let’s be honest: The breakup happened for a reason, right?
He had his chance with you, and now it’s over.
Long story short: if you’re considering him to be your “ex” instead of your “great friend whom you happened to date once, about a million years ago,” my advice is to keep those thumbs to yourself and let his peeps wish him a happy birthday instead. He’s a big boy. He’ll be just fine… and so will you.
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