Tasteless TRC candidate ad references peeing on a fence, takes Will Rogers' namein vain
It's still pretty early in the election cycle, but we've got a contender for the weirdest Texas political ad of 2012.
This ad is by Roland Sledge, an oil exec who is running for the Texas Railroad Commission. It's actually a more relevant agency than the name implies, regulating the oil and gas industries, pipelines and certain types of mining.
Sledge apparently thinks that what people want in a railroad commissioner is some good, old-fashioned folksy wisdom from cowboy, hero and only Oklahoman worth knowing Will Rogers. Sledge quotes Rogers expression that "There are three kinds of men, the one that learns by reading, the few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."
But Sledge doesn't stop by being the first candidate to bring pee into a political ad. He also includes a man pretending (badly) to be shocked while fence peeing on camera. In an ad that show off Sledge's good judgment.
Looks like another one of Rogers' political observations is true: "A fool and his money are soon elected."