This is how it starts
Miami 'zombie' identified after autopsy, explanations offered for face-eatingbehavior
- Rudy Eugene
Horrifying details and even worse jokes have gripped the internet after a naked Florida man was found Saturday literally eating another man's face on the side of a Miami expressway.
The cannibal attacker, enraged and unresponsive, simply growled at armed police when they ordered him to stop. He was only subdued after police fired six bullets, killing him at the scene. His victim survived, though in poor condition.
Rumors spread immediately that the zombie apocalypse had finally begun — in Miami of all places — but the all-too-real details play out more like a gritty crime drama than a science fiction novel.
According to CBS Miami, the attacker has been identified as Rudy Eugene, a 31-year-old former high school football star who Miami authorities suspect was homeless and addicted to a street drug called "bath salts."
Rumors spread immediately that the zombie apocalypse had finally begun — in Miami of all places — but the all-too-real details play out more like a gritty crime drama than a science fiction novel.
Reports from police who responded to the attack on Saturday describe Eugene as "delirious" and "highly aggressive," the same description as those of patients who are high on bath salts.
The victim of Saturday's attack has been identified as 65-year-old Ronald Poppo, who is reported to be in extremely critical condition. More than 80 percent of Poppo's face was demolished during the attack.
What prompted the incident, or why both men were naked on the freeway in the middle of the day in the first place, remains to be seen.
What is known for certain is that this is (thankfully? regretably?) not a zombie attack. We all know bullets don't take down zombies without very precise aim...
Of course, it's also never too late to brush up on your survival skills.