Rock the Vote
Early voting ends on Friday, made easier with new 'mega-voting' site at HighlandMall
There are one approximately 346 excuses folks might give as to why they forgot to vote on Election Day. Typically, it comes down to apathy, time constraints or downright forgetfulness.
To combat the latter excuses, Travis County is helping you vote in your own time by taking part in Early Voting until Friday, Nov. 2 at any of the 23 early voting sites throughout town.
During Early Voting, registered voters can stop at any site to complete their ballot in the same manner they would on Nov. 6. Lines are almost guaranteed to be shorter, and there's no feeling of being rushed through the ballot.
This year, Travis County has even created a mega-voting site inside Highland Mall on Airport Blvd. The site, located next to the Texas Teams store on the second floor of the nearly vacant mall, has over 40 voting booths. And you absolutely won't have any problem finding parking there.
Monday's Pew Research Center figures report the two Presidential candidates are in a dead heat, with Romney gaining a slight lead in expected voter turnout over current Obama supporters.
More than a handful of other local races are just as close and will benefit from educated, motivated voters taking their Constitutional rights seriously. The Travis County Clerk's Office has a run-down of the ballot races to help get you caught up.
The ultimate decisions, as always, come down to voters taking initiative. You don't want to be the only person in your office left without an "I Voted" sticker this election season.
Early voting takes place throughout Travis County until Friday, Nov. 2. Many polling stations (such as the Highland Mall mega-voting site) are open late, from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 6.