Perry Comedy Team
Rick Perry trying to be funny, poaches Stephen Colbert's PAC-man
Rick Perry and Stephen Colbert have so much in common it's hard to tell them apart sometimes. Both love to espouse provocatively conservative talking points on camera (though Colbert hasn't come out for Texas secession quite yet) and both have gorgeous heads of man-hair.
As it turns out, they both also hired veteran politico Salvatore Purpura as the treasurer of their political action committees.
According to Politico, Purpura had helmed Colbert's super-PAC Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow until last Thursday, when he resigned in advance of Perry's official announcement on Saturday that he was joining the presidential race.
Or, as Comedy Central's Indecision blog put it, Colbert "awoke one morning, stepped onto his super PAC ranch to look over his heads of officials and found his best Treasurer had been rustled right out from under his nose."
I know treasurers aren't usually responsible for the content of advertising, but it's funny to wonder if Purpura was a secret Perry plant, blanketing Iowa in Colbert's ads for Rick Parry — "that's Parry with an 'A' for America." After all, who can be bothered to learn to spell a candidate's name?
Or perhaps Perry poached Purpura because his PAC wanted to cripple the Perry/Parry competition. A cat-fight would be fun — who would win in a coif-off?! — but leave it to Colbert to provide a less dramatic explanation.
"We’re not surprised. Sal is the best in the business. That’s why we went with him,” Colbert wrote in an email to Politico. “We’re happy for Sal and we are even happier that Governor Parry has sent the clear signal of which super PAC he trusts to receive all that unlimited money waiting to pour in on his behalf. Loud and clear, sir. Unofficially, loud and clear.”