Great news, Portlandia fans: Carrie Brownstein’s got a WTF episode, aforthcoming memoir and more to look forward to
- Carrie Brownstein
- Carrie Brownstein as a character on Portlandia
The second season of IFC sketch show Portlandia may have wrapped last month, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait til the Jan. 2013 season three premiere for more from co-creator Carrie Brownstein. The musician / writer / actor isn’t known for taking it easy between seasons (she released an album with band Wild Flag between the first and second), and she’s already got a few new things for you to check out.
Today, The New York Times reports that publisher Riverhead will release “a book about her life in music.” We can’t wait to hear stories from Brownstein’s particularly awesome past, from attending Evergreen State with Bikini Kill’s Kathleen Hanna and Tobi Vail and forming Sleater Kinney with ex-Heavens to Betsey guitarist Corin Tucker, to touring with her current band, Wild Flag, we’re sure she’s got plenty of inspiring / insane moments to share.
This isn’t her first announced literary effort; as Steregum points out:
[A] recent mammoth New Yorker profile on Brownstein claims that she’s working on a tome called The Sound Of Where You Are, which is “about the current state of music-making.
It’s unclear whether this volume, on the slate since 2007, has evolved into the just-announced memoir, but whatever is, we’re sure it’ll be amazing (fans of her old NPR blog, Monitor Mix, know the writer’s mastered more than just sketch).
Also today, Brownstein guests on acclaimed podcast WTF with Marc Maron, where she talks about her favorite guitar, the best books on rock music, growing up in the suburbs and much, much more.
You can check out a video preview of the episode below, but definitely invest an hour in the full show:
Also! Check out a quick clip of Brownstein on NPR’s ‘Not My Job,’ and vote for her (and Armisen) in the 2012 TIME 100 poll!
To learn more about the newly-minted memoiress, check out this “Carrie Brownstein Starter Kit” the geniuses over at the New York Times’ 6th Floor blog put together.
And, just cause, here’s a photo of Brownstein’s Porlandia co-star, Fred Armisen, enjoying some ice cream with Nick Kroll: