Links we love today
An amazing Bill Murray interview, extreme couponing tips, Twitter fiction andmore
Nov 28, 2012 | 5:30 pm
Here are the links we loved today:
Bill Murray gives The New York Times an amazingly eclectic interview.
The Awl leads a discussion on the future of music blogs.
Save cash with these secrets from a 20-year-old extreme couponer.
Twitter has launched the Twitter Fiction Festival.
Spinner talks to Wilco's Jeff Tweedy.
Here's a recipe for Nutella cinnamon rolls. We'll wait while you go get those in the oven...
With the recent arrest of Real World alum Puck, Daily News checks in on some of the show's other former stars.
Tip: Do not invite your Internet girlfriend to your IRL wedding.
Maybe you would like to watch every Apple commercial?
Scarlett Johansson subs for Al Roker on the weather: