Twitter Talk
#WhyAustin Twitter hashtag goes viral in response to North Korea's U.S. target list
On Friday morning, news broke that along with Los Angeles, California and Washington, D.C., Austin, Texas is on the North Korea "hit list" of leader Kim Jong Un. The news, while shocking, spurred an early morning resurgence of the sometimes-used #whyaustin Twitter hashtag.
Twitter responses range from TedXAustin to University of Texas professionals and local journalists. The topics? Everything from Franklin Barbecue to Alamo Drafthouse and Gary Clark Jr. is trending #whyaustin thread (along with taco talk and UT football).
Here's a look at 10 #whyaustin tweets going viral. You can view the full thread here.
Two hours' wait at Franklin Barbecue! This will not stand for Kim Jong-un! #whyaustin
— Jeff Beckham (@jeffbeckham) March 29, 2013#whyaustin tweets aside, has threatening texas/texans ever ended well? #nonotreally
— Isa Jones (@TheIsaJones) March 29, 2013Is it possible that the sentiments driving the #whyaustin hashtag also answer the question?
— Reeve Hamilton (@reevehamilton) March 29, 2013Austin folks are all 'why does North Korea want to bomb us?' but secretly everybody is just happy Kim Jong didn't pick Portland #whyaustin
— Peter Mongillo (@petermongillo) March 29, 2013Secret deal with UT Regents, Pres. Powers must be nuked. #whyaustin
— David Wenger (@DavidWenger) March 29, 2013Kim Jong-un still mad about being kicked out of Alamo Drafthouse for texting. #whyaustin
— Sarah Beckham (@sarahlbeckham) March 29, 2013This #whyaustin hashtag about why Kim Jong-Un would want to demolish Austin from afar is making this Good Friday a great one.
— Addie Broyles (@broylesa) March 29, 2013Even heartless dictator offended by homeless-people-as-wireless-routers plan #whyaustin
— Kath Barbadoro (@kathbarbadoro) March 29, 2013Gary Clark Jr. keeps turning down requests to play on Kim Jong-un's new album. #whyaustin
— Sarah Beckham (@sarahlbeckham) March 29, 2013Statesman: "Kim Jong-un threatens Austin with nuclear strike." Chronicle: "Kim Jong-un solves I-35 upper deck gridlock." #whyaustin
— William J. Moner (@williamj) March 29, 2013