weekly recap
Hot Clicks: Austin makes landmark moves and does us proud this week
- Waller Creek Final Four
- East Austin makes Forbes' top 10 Hippest NeighborhoodPhoto by: Gavan Murphy
Austin really did us proud this week, dear readers. Closing out a busy week are a lot of positive stories. Our city council made a landmark decision, the heart of our city is even closer to physical revitalization and we're receiving national attention for being downright cool.
What better way send ourselves off into the weekend than celebrating our advancement?
- The Council voted unanimously in favor of a resolution to support marriage equality, making Austin the first city in the Lone Star State to take this official stance. Way to go, Mayor Leffingwell!
- Forbes' announced its inaugural list of America's Hippest Hipster Neighborhoodsand Austin — East Austin, to be specific — ranks in the top 10.
- The four international finalists competing to revitalize Waller Creek unveiled their designs for the 1.5 mile, 28 acre stretch of abandoned and abused downtown land to the public. Check out what Austin could look like.
- In an interview a keynote speaker at the upcoming Austin Teen Book Festival, Libba Bray, she certainly seems as warm, funny and fearless as her flapper heroine in The Diviners.
- Interesting debate was sparked around thinkEAST, a 24-acre "creative district" that will offer affordable and flexible working, living and studio spaces for a wide range of Austin’s creative industries. Will it help or hurt East Austin?
Check in with this column each Friday to see the week's top trending stories.