AT&T GigaPower Picks
Which neighborhood has the golden ticket? AT&T reveals picks for first "GigaPower" speeds

KVUE — AT&T customers in Austin don't have to wait for the fastest Internet speeds in town much longer. We now know which neighborhoods will be the first to experience GigaPower.
A release by AT&T on November 4 stated, "This initial deployment will reach tens of thousands of customer locations, including parts of central, northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast Austin and city neighborhoods like French Place, Mueller, Zilker and Onion Creek." It was announced last month that AT&T will be allowing customers to begin using Internet speeds of 300 Mbps in December.
Austinites can still vote to bring GigaPower to their neighborhoods here.
GigaPower is "an all-fiber, lightning-fast Internet network featuring the fastest consumer broadband speeds in town," according to AT&T
GigaPower is "an all-fiber, lightning-fast Internet network featuring the fastest consumer broadband speeds in town and a better HD TV experience," AT&T said. AT&T announced its plans to bring 'Gigabit' Internet speeds to Austin as Google announced its plans to bring Google Fiber to town.
“We’ve already received great input from thousands of Austinites eager for the fastest speeds,” said Vice President and General Manager of Austin AT&T Services, Inc. Dahna Hull said. “These votes are helping us identify where the need for speed and advanced TV services is the greatest and will help guide our future GigaPower expansion plans.”
Customers will be able to have upload and download speeds of up to 300 Mbps in December. After that they will be able to upgrade to speeds up to 1 Gigabit per second in the middle of 2014 at no extra cost.
To put things in perspective, here's what 300 Mbps looks like:
Download 7 songs in one second
Download your favorite TV show in under nine seconds
Download an online HD movie in under two minutes
Here's what 1 Gigabit looks like:
Download 25 songs in one second
Download your favorite TV show in less than 3 seconds
Download an HD online movie in less than 36 seconds
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