Inspired by a book idea never brought to life, “Longing” is an exhibition set to weave the private, internal narratives of many into a poetic and united landscape. To create this installation, Blair Gallacher gathered the thoughts of friends, acquaintances, and strangers, generously donated both forthright and anonymously, through social media, public flyers, meeting spaces, and other delicate moments.
The thoughts requested and presented are those that are often left unsaid and yet most deeply felt. Aha moments, inspired ideas, mini awakenings, quiet fears, confronting realizations, insecurities, unrequited desires, channeled messages, painful secrets, subtle joys — the meaningful thoughts that inform and inspire the trajectories of our lives.
Behind these words are a careful conglomeration of Gallacher’s collages. Made with gouache, watercolor, oil pastels, paper, and found materials, these reflect her most recent method of receiving guidance and messaging through artmaking.
These pieces, although laid out in a different language, are born from the same place of vulnerable truth as the borrowed words in front of them. Both expressions and the quests preceding them reflect a similar sentiment of wondering, seeking, unfolding, and discovering; driven by longing, evolving in each individual, and known by everyone.
The purpose of “Longing” is to make aware the inspiration, inner knowing, guidance, and yearning we all receive, consider, and revere. To shine light on the commonalities in the corners of our minds.
The exhibit will be on display 24 hours a day, June 27-July 4.