jan. 9
Links we love today: IFC announces comedies, hand dancing, shaking up nighttimenews and more
Assistant Editor Samantha Pitchel reads everything so you don’t have to.
Here are the links we loved today:
It’s a great day for comedy fans: IFC announces two new shows, an improv party-slash-game show from Kurt Braunholer and — choir of angels — a Comedy Bang Bang talk show (the latest episode of the CBB podcast is out today, featuring Bob Odenkirk and Brian Huskey).
TechCrunch predicts we’ll be seeing more original TV on the web in 2012; just in time, the Wainy Days season finale!
Brian Stelter takes a look at how news networks are “Changing the State of Play.” On the web, BuzzFeed raises $15.5 mil and “reunites HuffPo dream team” with social news startup.
Happy fifth birthday, iPhone! Plus: cheap or free NOOKs with magazine subs; a cell phone with a 15-year battery life.
More comedy: post-Patton gate, is there anything Oswalt can’t do?; Kristen Wiig and Paul Feig’s TimesTalk panel; David Cross’ pants-less Kimmel interview; Megan Mullally confirms Party Down movie; Nick Offerman writes an ep of Parks and Rec; HBO USA picks up Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's latest show, "Life's Too Short."
Lifehacker debunks 10 common body myths.
Mad Men returns on March 25! And coming soon: South Park RPG.
Picasso painting stolen from Greek gallery; amazing color photos of depression-era small towns.
Ron Paul's locking down the stoner vote.
Slate looks at the rising “reproductive tourism” trend.
Texting while walking: dangerous! Texting while checking @horse_ebooks: dangerous (but worth the risk).
Covet these 20 jewels to splurge on for V-day; check out Swiss 60s street fashion.
Don’t worry, guys: “No body found off Loop 360, officials say.”
The Awl finds 52 terrible titles of plays (my faves: Tod, the Boy, Tod and Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said).
National Geographic eds count down the ten weirdest life forms of 2011.
Video of the day: Irish hand dancers Suzanne Cleary and Peter Harding (Up & Over It) are back!