Links we love
Extreme foods, Calvin and Hobbes decorations, a '90s spring break mix and more
Mar 28, 2013 | 6:32 pm
Here are the links we loved today:
Flavorwire collects the worst fanfic ever.
If you missed Wavves at SXSW, fear not, they've released some live songs.
The New Yorker looks at the creative process behind the story of Indiana Jones.
Comedian Kurt Braunohler used Kickstarter for the best possible purpose: A stupid joke.
Apparently, a man was arrested for trying to smuggle 14 percent of an entire endangered species.
Check out this amazing Calvin and Hobbes-themed kids' room.
Listen to this 1997 megamix if you dare.
Would you try these "extreme foods"?
Now you can explore deserted cities with the help of Google street view.
Lifehacker wants to help you plan an awesome road trip.
Best Coast covers Roy Orbison: