Traffic Talk
MoPac construction is moving into the fast lane, new sound walls being installed

KVUE -- Construction on MoPac is about to pick up into high gear. Crews are starting to clear areas so they can install sound walls, and they’re also working on bridge expansion at the Enfield exit.
“I think it’s at the very beginning stages of where we are really beginning to feel it now,” said Mark Hall, who lives right around the corner on Newfield Lane. The city of Austin will see a lot of progress over the next couple of months, starting the last week of April.
"There will be both daytime and nighttime work, real close to homes,” said Steve Pustelnyk, the director of community relations for the MoPac Improvement Project. For drivers, he says there is also more work up close to the highway.
"A lot more work south of 2222. Off on the shoulders behind the concrete barrier wall we are going to start clearing those area so we can get ready to start building those sound walls,” said Pustelnyk.
Most of the seven miles of wall will be between eight and 12 feet. However in some areas, the wall will be as high as 20 feet. The area north of Anderson Lane around Steck Avenue on the southbound side will be 18 to 20 feet because of the difference of elevation between MoPac and the properties.
"I think for the most part, people, especially people who live along this street, are excited about having something that’s a little bit higher, that’s solid,” said Hall.
The wall will be 10 to 12 feet tall in front of Hall's house, replacing a fence. He says it's also a safety issue. Cars have been driving into yards there.
While some aren't looking forward to sound walls, they will only go up where communities approved. All this construction is to install two express toll lanes in the middle of MoPac, one in each direction.
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