urban planning
Austin City Council votes on adopting Imagine Austin, a guide for city'simpending growth [UPDATED]
- Enter Imagine Austin the city’s comprehensive master plan to consciously growand develop to ensure Austin is a healthy, positive place for its people,companies and environment.
- How do you imagine Austin?
- How do you imagine Austin?
- How do you imagine Austin?
Early Friday morning, Austin City Council voted on whether or not to adopt Imagine Austin, a comprehensive urban plan on how to manage and support Austin's growth. They announced their unanimous decision on Twitter:
According to Imagine Austin, more than 16,000 ideas and contributions from Austinites have helped shape the plan over the past two years. "Public participation in Imagine Austin moved in four main segments, called Community Forum Series, with numerous smaller meetings and opportunities throughout Austin," the website states.
The Statesman boils down the intention behind the 197-page plan as such: "The core assumption of Imagine Austin is that 700,000 more people will move into the city in the next 30 years, creating civic pressures the city should address: Where will they work? Where will they live and play? How will they get around?"
The paper also predicts a unanimous vote in favor of Imagine Austin, but not "before a round of objections, potentially hours of them."
CultureMap previously reported the criticism the broad plan had received: "Austin Collective Strength CEO Robin Rather, who has worked with the American Planning Association and other groups on issues of sustainability and urban development is more critical. '[Imagine Austin] is vague, a lot of concepts, and what makes that even worse, they aren't new concepts,' she said."
Regardless of on which side of the Imagine Austin fence they currently sit, City officials will be asked to carefully consider the recommendations made by experts and citizens alike, as local growth and globalization press on.
"It will take the collective strength and energy of our leaders and the Austin community to make the goals of Imagine Austin happen," Matthew Dugan, lead planner at the City of Austin's Planning Department, told CultureMap.
For more information on the plan intended to guide future municipal policy, visit Imagine Austin's website.