
Back to School

Headspring's backpack drive aims to prepare students for scholastic success

school supplies
Headspring is holding its second annual backpack drive for AISD students. Courtesy photo

To the dismay of children everywhere, the school year is fast-approaching. That means that stores are stocking up on uniforms, supplies and gearing up for Tax Free Weekend. But for some children, a trip to the store for new supplies isn't an option.

Local software company Headspring hopes to ensure all children are set for academic excellence when school starts again with its second annual backpack drive. The company aims to provide backpacks to students at five of the most economically challenged schools in Austin.

The lofty goal is to collect 1,000 backpacks that are full of standard school supplies by August 16. So far the company has 125 donations, but needs more support from Austinites to reach the mark.

Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, JT McCormick is leading the second annual drive, with the help of Headspring founder and CEO, Dustin Wells. McCormick is passionate about providing children with the supplies they need to be successful students, having suffered from the embarrassment of not having a pen and paper as a young student himself.

McCormick is also an active supporter and mentor for the Truman Halfway House where he helps kids transition out of the Texas Juvenile Justice System.

Those interested in supporting the Second Annual Headspring Backpack Drive are encouraged to drop off a backpack at the company's North Austin location or donate $40, which is the approximate cost of each backpack. Donations are accepted also accepted on the website.

The drive continues through August 16, just in time for AISD’s first day of school.
