weekday warrior
Weekday Warrior: Muddling through those few remaining shopping days
- Drinks on Dorsey at The Living Room at The W Hotel.
- Big Screen Classics: It’s a Wonderful Life at Alamo Lake Creek.Photo courtesy of Paramount Theatre
- CultureMap Night at Oasis Holiday Ice Rink.
- Big Screen Classics: Sinatra’s Birthday: Ocean’s Eleven at Alamo Ritz.Photo courtesy of Capitol Records
The middle of December is here, and with it comes a dwindling number of chances to shrug off that Scrooge-iness that you’re feeling and channel your inner George Bailey. Well, this week’s calendar’s got just the cure for your early-onset holiday stress — featuring a rat pack classic, a puppet musical, and of course, Zuzu’s petals. Having trouble trying to narrow down what will fill the days not devoted to shopping? Here’s our weekly guide to keep you busy during the days that don’t start with S.
Monday, December 12th
Big Screen Classics: Sinatra’s Birthday: Ocean’s Eleven @ Alamo Ritz
Send your birthday greetings to Old Blue Eyes with this Rat Pack classic. The Ritz is offering classic cocktails (because let’s face it — these guys could tip ‘em back), so you can sip a Manhattan or an Old Fashioned while you witness Frank, Dean-o and Sammy Davis, Jr. at the top of their caper-filled game.
Tuesday, December 13th
Drinks on Dorsey @ The Living Room at The W
A networking event, sans the typical stuffiness. Sip some libations with your fellow professionals at this laid-back party. The only requirement for attendance is that you bring a spouse, friend or significant other. No loners allowed!
Big Screen Classics: It’s a Wonderful Life @ Alamo Lake Creek
In the immortal words of Clarence Oddbody, AS2 — “No man is a failure who has friends.” Well, round them up and bask in the Jimmy Stewart-filled glory of this classic tale of Christmastime despair.
Wednesday, December 14th
The Armadillo Christmas Bazaar @ Palmer Events Center
Now in its 23rd year, this annual gift-finding hotbed is a mainstay of Austin’s holiday calendar. Continuing until December 20th, the event will feature over 160 artists and artisans, as well as live music each day and food and drinks to fuel your shopping endurance.
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast: The Musical @ Bass Concert Hall
While the message may be a little off-base (what with the Stockholm syndrome and the fact that poor Belle is chastised for reading), there’s no denying the re-watch-ability of this Disney classic. This live touring show makes an Austin stop so that all in the family can enjoy this tale as old as time. Unfortunately, no Angela Lansbury.
Thursday, December 15th
CultureMap Night @ Oasis Holiday Ice Rink
Join us at Austin’s premiere sunset spot for a surprising dose of wintry wonder. Skate on their specially installed ice rink, and bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots to save a buck on admission.
Social Media Club Austin Holiday Party @ Molotov
Be social, IRL, at the holiday soiree of Austin’s interweb elite. The event will also include a #tweetdrive, a global campaign amongst the nation’s club chapters to get new toys to children’s charities in their local city.
Friday, December 16th
Master Pancake X-mas Show @ Drafthouse South Lamar
Join the Drafthouse’s resident mockery experts as they tear apart Holiday classics such as How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolph and Pee Wee’s Christmas Special. Nothing says Christmas like a hefty dose of sarcasm!
Gnap! and the Puppet Improv Project Presents: Elf Employment @ Salvage Vanguard Theater
The Puppet Improv Project brings to the stage an improvised puppet musical (pusical?) set in Santa’s Workshop. The show features a special guest each night, to fill the role of Jolly St. Nick.
Ta-da! So while you’re stressing over finding that perfect gift, you can fill your week with some offerings that’ll take your mind off of the impending family overload.