Local Swine Flu Death
First Travis County death from H1N1 confirmed

AUSTIN — The first confirmed death from H1N1 in Travis County is being reported by the Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services, and another death is being investigated.
The H1N1 influenza A virus, also called the swine flu, is being suspected in the deaths of seven people across Texas. It has also critically injured 14 others.
A 41-year-old father is one of six people who died in Houston this month, less than a week after he started feeling sick. Near Dallas, a 30-year-old died after spending 10 days in the hospital.
This same strand of H1N1 killed nine people in Austin in 2009.
“Typically flu most impacts those 65 and older and children. However, similar to 2009, the highest risk for severe illness are persons under 65 years of age with underlying conditions such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes or the presence of other factors such obesity and pregnancy," Medical Director for Austin/Travis County Health and Human Services Dr. Phil Huang said.
For the full story, go to KVUE.com.