Links we love today
The best (and worst) of Whedon, the year in infographics and more
Dec 31, 2012 | 4:30 pm
Here are the links we loved today:
Rolling Stone ranks Joss Whedon's best (and worst) projects.
Did you catch any of the year's biggest music fest moments?
The Alamo Drafthouse releases their year-end employee picks.
Peruse the 25 films most recently added to the National Film Registry.
NPR rounds up some of the best last lines in literature.
Fun fact for anyone who happens to have a favorite Weather Channel anchor.
Why does a Pennsylvania beauty queen owe her state $5 million?
Getting to the bottom of whether or not electronic devices really interfere on planes.
Web Urbanist has some favorite animal-shaped buildings.
The New York Times sums up the year in infographics.
Watch Will Smith solve a Rubik's Cube, just 'cause: