Traffic News
TxDOT provides update amid ongoing I-35 expansion plans in Austin
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is looking at expanding Interstate 35 in Austin along an 8-mile stretch.
The department is looking at two options. The first is to not make any changes. The other option is adding four HOV lanes in the center with two on each side of I-35.
"In order to use those, you will either need to be a in a bus, or carpool, or a van pool, or multi-person vehicles. So, a single-occupancy vehicle would continue to use existing general-purpose lanes but these HOV lanes would move more people along the corridor," said Tucker Ferguson, division engineer for the TxDOT Austin Division.
Ferguson said Austin continues to grow and that around 200,000 vehicles use I-35 each day. That number is projected to double in the next 20 years.
"It’s to prevent congestion relief and improve safety along the corridor," said Ferguson.
There are more than 100 properties, including businesses, that could be impacted by the project, and TxDOT will also be conducting more environmental studies along the whole stretch — including near Lady Bird Lake.
TxDOT will welcome public commentary through March 7, and Austinites can head to for details on how to have their comments included in the official hearing record.
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