Googling Texans
What Texans are Googling: Herpes, meth, zombies and, of course, tacos
Real estate listings website Estately has crafted perhaps the greatest list of the Internet age: what term states search for more than any other. Using data from Google Trends, Estately has crafted a hilarious — and weird — look into the things we Google when no one else is looking.
Here in Texas, we wrestle with big questions.
"Are dinosaurs real?" "Are zombies real?" "Do I have herpes?" "Can dogs talk?"
We also have an affinity for methamphetamine, searching for "meth recipes," "How to cook meth?" and "krunk" more than any other state.
We also have an affinity for methamphetamine, searching for "meth recipes," "How to cook meth?" and "krunk" more than any other state.
Other weird things we're interested in include "boogers" (why?), "how to sell your soul to the devil" and "calf implants."
Lest you think Texas is alone in our disturbing searches, rest assured the rest of the country is just as freaky. In Kentucky, for example, they search for the lyrics to "Happy Birthday." (Just let that sink in for a moment.)
In terms of car searches, Floridians are interested in "Mazda Miata," which makes sense because, you know, Miatas are the sad man's dream convertible. In Oklahoma, they search for PT Cruisers more than other state.
In terms of food, Illinois beats out New York for "pizza" proving once and for all that, well, we don't know what it proves. Naturally, Texas was first in taco searches, but New Mexicans are No. 1 in searching for "Frito pie."
Unicorns are also a big thing, with Idaho searching for them most often, while Washington state residents are looking for "unicorn tattoo."
Utah seems to be having some sort of internal conflict, coming in No. 1 for "The Church of Latter Day Saints," "kama sutra" and "Weird Al Yankovich" searches. And apparently everyone's spinster aunt lives in Wisconsin. The state came in No. 1 for searching "Beanie Babies," "menthol cigarettes," "Mike's Hard Lemonade" and "Oprah's Book Club."
To see the full (and hilarious) list, head to Estately.