Links we love today
Lin-sanity coming to Texas?, in-car coffee, Marc and Fiona and more
Jul 15, 2012 | 6:00 pm
Here are the links we loved today:
Rumor has it famed Knick Jeremy Lin might be making his way to Houston.
Lily Allen's dad to teach the UK about drug abuse, by taking a bunch of drugs on live TV.
Paintings of people and their phones.
Excellent news! Topshop will soon be available at Nordstrom's.
Fiat's latest driving perk? In-car espresso makers.
This kitten fighting its mirror reflection will make your day better.
Do we really have a "sixth sense"?
Check out the latest episode of CollegeHumor's Cool Kids' Table, featuring SNL cast member Bobby Moynihan:
Get ready for the next episode of WTF with Marc Maron, with guest Fiona Apple:
Watch a clip of Ben Kronberg from Comedy Central's forthcoming John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show: