austin film festival
Be an AFF expert: Five things you didn't know about Austin Film Festival
- Austin Film Festival award trophies
- Last years AFF Conversations in Film: Breaking into & writing for television.
- The Austin Film Festival crowdPhoto courtesy of Austin Film Festival
- Maggie Carey's script reading for The Hand Job
The 2011 Austin Film Festival is rolling out its annual week-long, star-studded, movie movie movies event this Thursday, October 20th. If you're a newbie or an old hand, there are always new opportunities, films and celebrity stalk-a-thons to dive into. CultureMap rounds up five things you need to know to maximize your festival experience.
1. The Conference and the Festival are two different things
Seems obvious, right? While the two overlap, the “Conference provides unparalleled access to A-list producers, studio executives, agents and managers, as well as professional screenwriters and filmmakers. These industry pros are looking to buy and sell your work and help you navigate the entertainment industry effectively.” With crash courses in “The Heroine’s Journey: Writing and Selling the Female-Driven Screenplay” and “Independent Filmmaking: Budget and Funding Sources,” you could be the genius who finally makes a successful Wonder Woman movie.
The Festival is the actual watching movies part. This year's films come from all over the globe, and were selected to promote the AFF's mission to inspire and champion the work of screenwriters, filmmakers, and all artists who use the language of film to tell a story. Come for the big name features and stay for the shorts, documentaries, local films and indie gems.
2. You could get discovered at a Q&A
AFF specifically celebrates the craft of screenwriting, so attending the festival's panels and events is a great way to meet writers, directors and producers who might actually be interested in your screenplay. According to AFF, “We strive to produce an environment where people connect and feel involved in the industry and creative process and networking happens organically.”
Maya Perez, the conference director, remembers that “in 2003, [writer] Bruce Wilkinson was in the audience when director Martin Guigui presented his film Swing here in 2003. During the Q&A, Bruce raised his hand and said, 'I have a script that you should direct.' They met and talked afterward and eight years later, Martin Guigui is presenting the world premiere of Beneath the Darkness at the Festival.” Come to the panels and roundtables this year, and you could be the belle of the Festival come 2019.
3. Famous people will eat salad with you
Also from Maya Perez: “In 2006, the staff was grabbing a quick lunch during the Conference at Hickory Street [now closed], when we look up and see Sydney Pollack standing at the salad bar. Sydney Pollack. At the Hickory Street salad bar. One of us went over to him and invited him to join us and he did.”
Even though Hickory Street closed its doors and Sydney Pollack passed away in 2008, there are endless combinations of celebrities, restaurants and entrees that could be assembled at this year's festival. Will it be James Franco with cheese fondue at the Melting Pot? Chuck Pahlaniuk with Frito Pie at Champions? David Boreanaz at Austin Java for 2-for-1 burger night? Follow your target around with takeout and a hopeful expression, and make your dreams come true.
4. You will out-hipster the hipsters
AFF is the only film festival to present staged script readings, so you can see the next big film before a single frame is shot. Last year's reading was The Hand Job by Maggie Carey, which was high up on the Black List, a collection of the best unproduced scripts in Hollywood. AFF brought together the writer and a cast that included Bill Hader, Aubrey Plaza, Colin Hanks and Jessica Alba. Now that the film has been made, the staged reading's audience has gained instant bragging rights.
This year, Shane Black, who wrote Lethal Weapon, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Iron Man 3, brings his script, The Nice Guys, for the AFF treatment. It's set in smoggy 1970s Los Angeles where Jackson Healy, a muscle-for-hire and recovering alcoholic, and Holland March, a private eye and practicing alcoholic, are brought together by the suicide of a fading porn star. This is your chance to get an insider's view and say, “That new movie? Oh yeah, I saw it like, ages ago. It was way better in its original form.”
5. Scheduling your life around the Conference and Festival is really easy
Ohmigod you want to see everything! And go to all the panels! And learn how to pitch your unwritten horror screenplay based on a comic book! And drink free booze at all the parties! Breathe. Go to and the website will make your damn schedule for you. Check off everything you want to attend, and the “genius” part will alert you to conflicts and let you know alternate show times. You can print your schedule to carry around with you, or you can join us in the 21st century and download the app. Either way, it'll save you a lot of time and hand wringing that you can devote to your latest zombie western project.
AFF strives to be accessible for all patrons of the arts. For more information about Sign Language Interpreters, wheelchair accessible seating and Assistive Listening Devices, click here.
The Austin Film Festival runs from October 20th - 27th at various locations. Visit their website for more info.