Pop Almanac
The Pop Almanac Podcast #14: Cult Phenomena
Dec 21, 2011 | 9:00 am
On this week's Pop Almanac, your hosts deal perfunctorily with Christmas and the holidays: Bredan and Duncan agree that shopping for gifts is a hassle, but togetherness and cheer are always welcome.
They will both admit to being cult fans of A Charlie Brown Christmas, however, which leads to an attempt to define what makes something a cult phenomenon, using cult movies as a springboard.
Classic cult movies like The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Plan 9 From Outer Space seem to come from a place of genuine enthusiasm- while more recent midnight screenings have been to ironically make fun of bad movies, like Tommy Wiseau's The Room. Duncan does his best Andy Rooney impression and wonders why we can't enjoy things at face value anymore.
It may be because certain films are trying too hard to gain cult status, either by trafficking in shock value like The Human Centipede, or tailoring the film to the ironic crowd a la Snakes on a Plane.
Listen as your hosts debate the collective wisdom, even when that collective is only a small, devoted following.
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