Fashion for Kids
AFW Preview: My GiGi clothing line caters to the youngest of fashionistas
- Photo by Chad Harlan
- Photo by Chad Harlan
Among the glitz, glam and sparkle of Austin Fashion Week, you'll find little girls twirling around in purple and pink dresses designed by native Texan Kathy Scoggin.
My GiGi is a new collection of little girl dresses and coats set to launch in the Spring of 2012. It will be the only children's fashion to be featured during Austin Fashion Week which officially kick's off Saturday night.
The dresses, like the little ones wearing them, are cute, playful and simple, with what Scoggin calls bits of "little-girl whimsy" and "little-girl imagination." In fact, the designs were inspired by a little girl near and dear to Scoggin's heart.
"I began designing dresses for Chloe, my granddaughter, from christening gown on," Scoggin says. "My daughter would call to tell me about people who stopped her on the street to ask where she got Chloe's very cute dresses."
Scoggin's knack for designing started at an early age. As a kid, Scoggin redesigned dresses her mother bought for her. In the 70s she did private label designs for JC Penny, and in 1994 Scoggin launched her own label of sportswear and faux-fur jackets which sold in 150 stores, including stores in Canada and Puerto Rico. She retired her label, Kathy Scoggin, in 2004 and never really had a desire to create a new line until now.
"I want to evoke the whimsey and fun of being a little girl," she says. "When I see a little girl in one of my dresses, I feel like I actually see this happen."
Scoggin admits, fashion is typically not a priority for most 2 to 7 year old girls. It's hard to compete with cartoons and dirt. But as a grandmother, Scoggin knows the joys of purchasing a precious dress for a loved one and believes parents and grandparents will be proud to present their girls with My GiGi attire.
"Beautiful clothes, even as a little girl, make you feel beautiful," says Scoggin. " It is always great to feel beautiful and great about yourself no matter how old you are."
My GiGi dresses and coats range from $80 to $150. Scoggin plans to open a flagship My GiGi boutique in Austin in time for Fall/Holiday 2013 or Spring 2014.