editorial series
ATX Longhorn Sports 2013

Football and life

No crime committed: Longhorns McCoy and Hicks not charged

It's over. Texas Longhorn football players Case McCoy and Jordan Hicks committed no crime on December 28 before the Alamo Bowl, and no charges will be filed against them according to the Bexar County District Attorney.

The announcement closes a nasty little sidebar to the Texas 2012 football campaign and allows McCoy, a rising senior quarterback, and Hicks, a star linebacker, to get their lives back.

More than enough has been written about what happened after 2 a.m. on December 28 in San Antonio, and while no crime was committed, bad judgment certainly was on everyone's part, along with a sprinkling of college kid stupidity.

Hopefully this all results in a little humility and lessons learned all around for those directly involved, as well as for Head Coach Mack Brown, who should be thinking about how a couple of otherwise smart, religious, talented young men could go this far astray on his watch.
