Dr. Steven Zimmet
Dr. Steven Zimmet has been practicing dermatology in Austin, Texas for overthirty years. He is a sought-after cosmetic dermatologist and a world-renownedexpert in vein care. As the Founding President of the American Board ofPhlebology and Editor of the Phlebology Journal, Dr. Zimmet travels the world toshare his expertise in vein treatment and many patients come to Austin from asfar as Europe, South Africa, Mexico and the Philippines to seek his care. AtZimmet Vein & Dermatology, Dr. Zimmet has been helping patients achieve healthyskin and veins since 1996. He is the first doctor in Austin to offer bothLiposonix and CoolSculpting at his practice and also offers an array ofaesthetic services, including Ultherapy, pulsed light rejuvenation, Botox,fillers, microdermabrasion, facials, and brow and lash tinting. Dr. Zimmet’smission is to help his patients achieve optimal results through clearinformation, thorough guidance and clinically advanced treatments.Visit www.DrZimmet.com [https://www.DrZimmet.com] to schedule a consultation.Mention CultureMap for a discount on services.
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The ins and outs of pulsed light rejuvenation with Varilite and FotoFacial
Feb 3, 2013 | 7:00 pm