Joe Leydon
JOE LEYDON is an award-winning film critic for Variety, the premier showbiznewspaper and website, and an adjunct professor at Houston Community College andUniversity of Houston. He also is a blogger at MovingPictureBlog.blogspot.com[https://MovingPictureBlog.blogspot.com], a contributing writer for MovieMakermagazine, communications director for Cowboys & Indians magazines, a Q&A host atthe Denver and Nashville film festivals, a contributing critic for LeonardMaltin’s Movie Guide, and author of the book Joe Leydon’s Guide to EssentialMovies You Must See (Michael Wiese Productions). From 1982 until 1995, he wasfilm critic for The Houston Post. From 1995 until 1999, he was a film critic andentertainment reporter for KPRC-TV. (Several interviews he did with celebritiesduring this period can be seen on YouTube.) More recently, he has reviewed filmsand DVDs forThe San Francisco Examiner, MSNBC.com, The Katy Courier and FortWorth Star-Telegram. Leydon also has written for New York Daily News, LosAngeles Times, Newsday, The Boston Globe, The Toronto Star and AustinAmerican-Statesman. He has appeared as a guest on the television programsCountdown with Keith Olbermann, At the Movies, Kudlow & Cramer andMSNBC Live. ANew Orleans native, Leydon earned a BA degree in Journalism at Loyola Universityin N.O., and a Master’s Degree in Mass Communications Studies at the Jack J.Valenti School of Communication at the University of Houston. He is the proudfather of George Leydon, who is an outstanding young man almost entirely becauseof his mother, Anne Sarsonas Leydon.
SXSW Film Preview
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SXSW Film Preview
Take 21: The hits just keep on coming at the SXSW Film Festival
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Best & Worst Oscar Moments
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Oscars: They're Off!
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