Mike Clark-Madison
Mike Clark-Madison is a vice president at Hahn, Texas, one of Austin's leadingpublic relations and public affairs firms, and the "retired and recovering"former city editor of The Austin Chronicle. In 15 years as a writer and editorwith the paper, he covered politics and elections, planning and development,neighborhood and environmental issues, business and technology, and theoccasional rock band. Mike has also written for other publications in Austin andelsewhere, and has worked on creative, editorial and consulting projects withhis own firm, At Large Partners.As a community leader and active citizen, Mike is currently vice chair of thecity Urban Renewal Board, a director of the Congress for the New UrbanismCentral Texas Chapter, and co-chair of the Newcomers Ministry at St. James'Episcopal Church. Over the years, Mike has served in various roles as aneighborhood leader in Central East Austin and a longtime advocate for librariesand community information systems. He lives in the Swede Hill neighborhood in an85-year-old house with his wife, Rita DeBellis, a nurse with Hospice Austin, andhis son Rudy, a sophomore at Austin High School.