
Just Google It

Google reveals the most popular Austin searches for 2016

Donald Trump
Yes, Donald Trump was our No. 1 people search. Photo courtesy of The White House

No one does an end-of-year list quite like Google. The tech giant just released its annual Year in Search, giving us an inside look at what our neighbors — and those around the world — were searching for in 2016.

Just like the rest of the country, Austin was pretty obsessed with politics this year: The election and Donald Trump were among the top overall search terms in the U.S. and Austin. And while we cared about Powerball like everyone else, we were less into "Pokemon Go" than the rest of America.

In addition to overall trending searches, the tech giant provided a breakdown of local trending terms in four categories: news, people, movies, and near me, proving we're really into brunch — and Krispy Kreme. Here are Austin's top search terms for 2016:

Top trending searches:

  1. Prince
  2. Election
  3. Donald Trump
  4. Powerball
  5. Copa América

Top trending news:

  1. Election
  2. Copa América
  3. Olympics
  4. World Series
  5. Haruka Weiser

Top trending people:

  1. Donald Trump
  2. Hillary Clinton
  3. Melania Trump
  4. Michael Phelps
  5. Bernie Sanders

Top trending movies:

  1. Suicide Squad
  2. Captain American: Civil War
  3. Deadpool
  4. Finding Dory
  5. Sausage Party

Top trending near me:

  1. Brunch nearby
  2. Vegan food nearby
  3. Krispy Kreme nearby