Photo courtesy of Asian Family Support Services of Austin
Asian Family Support Services

Asian Family Support Services of Austin (AFSSA) provides assistance to Asian and other immigrant families dealing with domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking. Their mission is to promote abuse-free Asian communities through advocacy, support, awareness, and access to social services. While AFSSA's focus is on the Asian community, they do not discriminate and their services are for anyone who needs assistance.

How to Get Involved

AFSSA offers myriad volunteer opportunities, including for direct services such as becoming a sexual assault hospital accompaniment volunteer, a helpline/resource line volunteer, and a life skills volunteer, in addition to community education positions such as booth supervisors and research volunteers. All volunteers are required to undergo a criminal background check and are required to be at least 18 years old. For more information, contact volunteer@afssaustin.org.

Big Event

According to Japanese legend, folding 1,000 origami cranes grants a wish. It's with that in mind that each year AFSSA wishes for peace and health for all families with its 1,000 Cranes of Peace event. For the annual fundraiser, community members and businesses help AFSSA fold 1,000 origami cranes, and donors and supporters sponsor cranes for $10 apiece. The 1,000 cranes are then incorporated into a unique and engaging original art installation designed by a local artist.

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